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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 1-157

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Asymptotic Estimates of Fourier Coefficients

David Elliott and P. D. Tuan

pp. 1-10

A Note on Biorthogonal Polynomials in Two Variables

John W. Schleusner

pp. 11-18

Error Bounds for Stationary Phase Approximations

F. W. J. Olver

pp. 19-29

On the Existence of Analytic Solutions of Systems of Equations if the Jacobian is Zero

G. J. Olsder

pp. 30-42

On Generalized Heat Polynomials

G. G. Bilodeau

pp. 43-50

An Expansion in Ultraspherical Polynomials with Nonnegative Coefficients

Charles F. Dunkl

pp. 51-52

Certain Rational Functions Whose Power Series Have Positive Coefficients. II

Richard Askey

pp. 53-57

Some Absolutely Monotonic and Completely Monotonic Functions

Richard Askey and Harry Pollard

pp. 58-63

Convergence and Evaluation of Sums of Reciprocal Powers of Eigenvalues of Boundary Value Problems Nonlinear in the Eigenvalue Parameter

Anthony V. Laginestra and William E. Boyce

pp. 64-90

Successive Approximations of Some Nonlinear Initial-Boundary Value Problems

C. V. Pao

pp. 91-102

A Constructive Existence Theorem for a Nonlinear Parabolic Equation

David W. Bange

pp. 103-110

Poisson Integral Formulas in Generalized Bi-Axially Symmetric Potential Theory

N. S. Hall, D. W. Quinn, and R. J. Weinacht

pp. 111-118

Jacobi Polynomials, I. New Proofs of Koornwinder's Laplace Type Integral Representation and Bateman's Bilinear Sum

Richard Askey

pp. 119-124

Jacobi Polynomials, II. An Analytic Proof of the Product Formula

Tom Koornwinder

pp. 125-137

Some Additional Remarks on the Nonexistence of Global Solutions to Nonlinear Wave Equations

Howard A. Levine

pp. 138-146

Some Properties of Generalized Biaxially Symmetric Helmholtz Potentials

R. J. Weinacht

pp. 147-152

An Existence-Uniqueness Theorem for Two-Point Boundary Value Problems

James Tippett

pp. 153-157